
I'll be at the Luke Days Airshow this weekend with my T-6. Come on out and enjoy the Thunderbirds, the USAFA Wings of Blue, the F-22 demonstration team and an A-10 demonstration team. Should be a good time. See you out there!
This is not a time when women should be patient. We are in a war and we need to fight it with all our ability and every weapon possible. Women pilots, in this particular case, are a weapon waiting to be used. — Eleanor Roosevelt, 1942.
Neptunus Lex highlights this article. Things in the Air Force are not looking that great as it is...
The word within the U.S. Department of Defense
is that the White House wants to collect six to eight "scalps" -- major program kills -- in this year's Quadrennial Defense Review.
Some of the cuts already are being considered as Defense Secretary
Robert Gates rewrites the 2010 budget. You can expect to hear a lot of rumors about which programs are being targeted between now and when the Pentagon releases details of its budget request in April. But while most of the military services are scrambling to protect programs, at least one is getting ready to offer up a signature weapons system. The U.S. Navy will propose removal of one aircraft carrier and air wing from its posture, dropping the number of carriers to the lowest number since 1942.
So I'm diggin these Tea Party Protests. There will be a big push on April 15th, tax day of course! If there's one in Northern Mississippi, I'll be there.
Labels: tea party
Instapundit linked to this a few minutes ago, saying that those who once called dissent the "highest form of patriotism" and now labeling conservative protesters "domestic terror wannabees."
Our intention is to engage the enemy, to wear away at him, to harass him, to isolate him, to expose every weakness, to pounce, to reveal his vulnerability.
Our intention is to encourage the people, to provoke leaps in confidence and consciousness, to stir the imagination, to popularize power, to agitate, to organize, to join in every way possible the people's day-to-day struggles.
Our intention is to forge an underground, a clandestine political organization engaged in every form of struggle, protected from the eyes and weapons of the state, a base against repression, to accumulate lessons, experience and constant practice, a base from which to attack.
Labels: instapundit, politics, teaparty
An interesting video. I think it says less about the Marines' feelings toward each man and more about each president's feelings concerning how he should be treated.
Labels: Marines, President Bush, President Obama
I'm looking through all the photos from the Tea Parties around the country. I am totally impressed and I wish I could have gone to one. Michelle Malkin has a good round up and Instapundit has a ton of links.
Labels: tea party